Alfonso X

Alvar, Manuel. “El léxico universitario de la Partida II.” In Jewish Culture and the Hispanic World. Essays in Memory of Joseph H. Silverman. Eds. Samuel G. Armistead and Mishael M. Caspi in collaboration with Murray Baumgarten. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 2001. Pp. 17-25.

Lexical vignettes on vocabulary pertaining to the medieval university in the Segunda Partida.
Ayerbe-Chaux, Reinaldo, ed. Alfonso X, el sabio. Estoria de España: Antología. Madrid: Porrúa Turanzas, 1982.

“Glosario”, pp. 275-88. Spanish glosses; no other information.
Belluco, Gloria. “Glossario della Quinta Partida di Alfonso X el sabio.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Pisa, 1970-71.

Word, text locations (based on the Real Academia de la Historia 1807 edition), Italian glosses only if the word has more than one meaning, and reference to relevant DCELC entry.
Bertolli, M. Gabrielle. “Glossario della Settima Partida di Alfonso X el sabio.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Pisa, 1967-68.

Word, text locations (based on the Real Academia de la Historia 1807 edition), Italian glosses only if the word has more than one meaning, and reference to relevant DCELC entry.
Bonch-Bruevich, Xenia, ed. Text and Concordances of the Setenario by Alfonso el Sabio. Biblioteca Capitular de Toledo, MS 43-20. Madison: HSMS, 1999.

One CD-ROM. Concordance to the text with folio and line indication of each occurrence of every word. Alphabetic arrangement, providing: frequencies, descending frequency, reverse alphabetic list.
Bossong, Georg, ed. Los canones de Albateni. (ZRP, Beiheft 165). Tübingen: Max Niemeyer, 1978. [Reinhold Kontzi, ZRP 100 (1984): 221-26, esp. pp. 225-26.]

“Glossar”, pp. 114-338. Old Spanish form, Arabic original(s), German gloss, text references and citations with Arabic original. Detailed comments on Spanish translation from Arabic.
Brancaforte, Benito, ed. Alfonso el sabio. Prosa histórica. (Letras hispánicas, 194). Madrid: Cátedra, 1984.

“Glosario”, pp. 271-82. Old Spanish word, modern Spanish translation.
Brancaforte, Benito, ed. Las Metamorfosis y las Heroidas de Ovidio en la General Estoria de Alfonso X el Sabio. Madison: HSMS, 1990.

“Glosario”, pp. 375-94. Word, Spanish gloss; no other information.
Bresciani, Elena. “Glossario della Prima Partida di Alfonso X.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Pisa, 1966-67.

Old Spanish word, text locations (based on the Real Academia de la Historia 1807 edition), Italian gloss only if the word is rare or used with a special meaning, reference to relevant entry in DCELC.
Cárdenas, Anthony J., ed. The Text and Concordance of Libro que es fecho de las animalias que caçan, [by Moamín] Biblioteca Nacional MS. RES. 270-217. Madison: HSMS, 1987.

Four concordance fiches. Alphabetical listing of all words with text locations and frequencies.
Carrasco Cantos, Inés. Los cargos de la hueste real en tiempos de Alfonso X. Estudio onomasiológico. Granada: Univ. de Granada, 1992.

Discusses the terms almirante, cómitre, naucher, proer, alier, sobresaliente, marinero, alférez, adalid, almogávar, almocadén, caballero, peón. Old Spanish word, Modern Spanish definition, brief linguistic study (including etymology, and evolution of meaning). The “Apéndice”, pp. 115-125, offers a brief study of the “designaciones de embarcaciones y bastimentos recogidas en Las Partidas” (barca, buzo, carraca, carracón, coca, galea grande, galeota, haloque, leño, saetia, tarida, zabra, sarcia, loriga, lorigón, perpunte, coraza, escudo, yelmo, capiello de ferro, guarnimiento, cuchiello, puñal, serranil, espada, hacha, porra, lanza, hasta, ballesta, dardo, piedra, saeta, terrazo, alquitrán)
Carrasco Cantos, Inés. Estudio del léxico institucional de la Partida V. Málaga: Univ. de Málaga, 1981.

Semantic and social study of the various institutions discussed in the Quinta Partida. “Indice de palabras”, pp. 269-83.
Causey, James Young. “A Cultural Study of the Agricultural Terms in the Works of Alfonso el Sabio.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1941.

“Vocabulary”, pp. 1-194. Alphabetical arrangement. Provides etyma, quotations from Alfonsine corpus, and extensive discussion of pertinent term(s).
Chalón, Louis. “De quelques vocables utilisés par La primera crónica general de españa (cantar, crónica, cuento, escriptura, estaría, fabla, romanz).” Le Moyen Age 77 (1971): 79-84.

Discusses meanings of above items as used in the Primera crónica general.
Corfis, Ivy A., ed. Text and Concordance of the “Fuero Real” Escorial MS Z.III.16. Madison: HSMS, 1993.

One concordance fiche. Alphabetical listing of all words with text locations and frequencies.
Corfis, Ivy A., ed. Text and Concordance of the “Siete Partidas” October 25, 1491. Madison: HSMS, 1997.

Six concordance fiches. Alphabetical listing of all words with text locations and frequencies.
Craddock, Jerry R., John J. Nitti, and Juan C. Temprano. The Text and Concordance of “Las Siete Partidas” de Alfonso X based on the Edition of the Real Academia de la Historia, 1807. Madison: HSMS, 1990.

Six concordance fiches. Alphabetically arranged list of keywords with text locations (by volume, page, and line of the Academy edition) and frequency count. Due to their high frequency, the following have been eliminated from the concordance: e, et, a, con, en, de, el, la, los, las, por, que, no, non.
DeLand, Graydon Skerritt. “An Etymological Vocabulary of the Books of Exodus and Leviticus of the General estoria of Alfonso el sabio.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1935. 446 pp.

Etyma, English glosses, text references and quotations (from Solalinde ed., Madrid: J. Molina, 1930); occasional collateral references. Complete except for grammatical words.
Diez de Revenga, Francisco J. Obras de Alfonso X el Sabio (Selección).... (Temas de España, 161). Madrid: Taurus, 1985.

“Glosario”, pp. 277-81. Old Spanish word, Spanish gloss.
Diman, Roderic C., and Lynn W. Winget, eds. Alfonso el sabio. “Lapidario” and “Libro de las formas e ymagenes.” Madison: HSMS, 1980.

Microfiche concordance accompanies the edition. Three concordance fiches: alphabetic listing with text locations, descending frequency list, reverse alphabetic listing with frequencies.
Duncan, Robert Manly. “An Etymological Vocabulary of Plant Names in the Works of Alfonso el sabio.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1936. 142 pp.

Glosses, etyma, discussion, and quotations from Alfonsine texts.
Edgerly, Clifton T. “A Vocabulary of the Siete Partidas, I and II, of Alfonso X.” Ph.D. diss., Yale Univ., 1918. 277 pp.
Frick, Patsy Ruth. “Definitions in Selected Works of Alfonso X el sabio.” M.A. thesis, Univ. of Georgia, 1966. 60 pp.

“Definitions”, pp. 19-46. Definitions of some 37 words as they appear in the General estoria, Primera crónica general, and the Setenario.
Gago Jover, Francisco, ed. Prose Works of Alfonso X el sabio. Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts. New York: HSMS, 2011.

Fully interactive and searchable indexes and concordances of the following texts: Canones de Albateni (Paris Arsenal 8322); Libros de ajedrez, dados y tablas (Esc. T.I.6); Libros del saber de astronomía (Madrid Universitaria 156); Libro de las cruzes (BNM 9294); Estoria de España [I] (Esc. Y.I.2); Estoria de España [II] (Esc. X.I.4); General estoria I (BNM 816); General estoria II (BNM 10237); General estoria IV (Vatican Urb. Lat. 539); General estoria V (Esc. R.I.10); General estoria V (Esc. I.I.2); General estoria VI (Toledo Catedral 43-20); Judizios de las estrellas (BNM 3065); Lapidario de Alfonso X (Esc. h.I.15); Libro de las leyes (BL Add. 20787); Moamyn - Libro de las animalias (BNM Res 270); Picatrix de Alfonso X (Vatican Reg. lat. 1283); Libro del cuadrante señero (Paris Arsenal 8322); Libro de las formas y de las imágenes (Esc. h.I.16); Tablas de Zarquiel (Paris Arsenal 8322).
Ganansia, Albert Georges. “A Classified Vocabulary of the Dido Episode of the Primera crónica general.” M.A. thesis, Ohio State Univ., 1964. 156 pp.

Short glosses in Spanish and English; line citation and text reference.
Garcés, María Pilar. “Aportación al estudio de los préstamos galorrománicos en las Partidas de Alfonso X.” Epos 2 (1986): 89-101.

Deals with Gallicisms in the Primera Partida. Old Spanish word, Spanish gloss, linguistic commentary, brief citation in context.
Garcés, María Pilar. “El cultismo léxico en la Primera Crónica General.” Analecta Malacitana 9 (1986): 77-88.

In essence, this article is a study of those semantic fields which display cultismos in selected portions of the PCG. Contains lists of relevant cultismos and comments on meanings of some words.
García Ramila, Ismael. “Ordenamiento de Posturas y otros capítulos generales otorgados a la ciudad de Burgos por el rey Alfonso X.” Hispania (Revista Española de Historia) 5 (1945): 179-235, 385-439, 605-50.

“Vocabulario de las palabras anticuadas usadas en el texto de los Ordenamientos...”, pp. 637-50. Old Spanish word, Spanish gloss, text locations, examples of word from other texts.
Herrera, María Teresa, María Nieves Sánchez, María Estela González de Fauve and María Purificación Zabía, eds. Textos y concordancias electrónicos de documentos castellanos de Alfonso X. Madison: HSMS, 1999.

One CD-ROM. Concordance to the text with folio and line indication of each occurrence of every word. Alphabetic arrangement, providing: frequencies, descending frequency, reverse alphabetic list. Includes transcriptions and concordances of 656 original Castilian documents produced by Alfonso X’s royal chancery. The documents are grouped according to six geographical zones: AAN (Andalucía), AGA (Galicia), ALE (León), AMU (Murcia), ACN (Castilla la Nueva), and ACV (Castilla la Vieja).
Hutto, Janet Hart Thwaite. “Considerations on Alcahuetes, Adevinos, Judíos, Moros, and Hereges in the Seventh Partida of Alfonso X.” M.A. Thesis, Univ. of Georgia, 1970.

Contains a short vocabulary.
Jonxis-Henkemans, Wilhelmina, ed. Text and Concordance of the “General Estoria V” Escorial MS I.I.2. Madison: HSMS, 1994.

Three concordance fiches. Alphabetical listing of all words with text locations and frequencies.
Jonxis-Henkemans, Wilhelmina, ed. Text and Concordance of “General Estoria V” Escorial MS. R.I.10. Madison: HSMS, 1993.

Three concordance fiches. Alphabetical listing of all words with text locations and frequencies.
Jonxis-Henkemans, Wilhelmina, ed. Text and Concordance of the “General Estoria VI” Toledo MS 43-20. Madison: HSMS, 1993.

One concordance fiche. Alphabetical listing of all words with text locations and frequencies.
Juárez Blanquer, Aurora and Antonio Rubio Flores, eds. “Partida Segunda” de Alfonso X el Sabio. Manuscrito 12794 de la B.N. Granada: Impredisur, 1991.

“Breve diccionario de definiciones”, pp. 417-49. Lists words defined in text of Segunda Partida and reproduces passage in which definition is provided.
Kasten, Lloyd, and John Nitti. Concordances and Texts of the Royal Scriptorium Manuscripts of Alfonso X el Sabio. Madison: HSMS, 1978. [Steven Kirby, “Microfiche Research Tools for the Study of Old Spanish Literary Manuscripts: A Review Article,” La corónica 10 (1981-82): 89-94; Jerry R. Craddock, “A New Medium for Lexical and Textual Research: The HSMS Microfiche,” RPh 39.4 (1986): 462-72.]

Concordance to each text with manuscript folio/line indication of each occurrence of every word. No other information provided. The summary concordances are alphabetic with separate lists for frequencies, descending frequencies, and reverse alphabetic, each indicating the text(s) in which each word occurs.
Kasten, Lloyd A., and John J. Nitti. Diccionario de la prosa castellana del rey Alfonso X. 3 vols. New York: HSMS, 2003. [Steven N. Dworkin, “Progress in Medieval Spanish Lexicography, II,” RPh 57 (2004): 359-369.]

Based on manuscripts of Alfonsine  texts (including Libro de Moamim) produced in the  Royal Scriptorium. Entries use modern form as headword when possible.  Spanish gloss, examples in context with text location, list of actual morphological variants attested in texts.
Kasten, Lloyd and Wilhelmina Jonxis-Henkemans, eds. Text and Concordance of the “General Estoria II” BNM MS 10237. Madison: HSMS, 1993.

Three concordance fiches. Alphabetical listing of all words with text locations and frequencies.
Kasten, Lloyd, John Nitti, and Wilhelmina Jonxis-Henkemans, eds. The Electronic Texts and Concordances of of the Prose Works of Alfonso X el Sabio. Madison: HSMS, 1996.

One CD-ROM with concordance files for specific manuscripts of the following texts: Canones de Albateni (Paris Arsenal 8322); Libros de ajedrez, dados y tablas (Esc. T.I.6); Libros del saber de astronomía (Madrid Universitaria 156); Libro de las cruzes (BNM 9294); Estoria de España [I] (Esc. Y.I.2); Estoria de España [II] (Esc. X.I.4); General estoria I (BNM 816); General estoria II (BNM 10237); General estoria IV (Vatican Urb. Lat. 539); General estoria V (Esc. R.I.10); General estoria V (Esc. I.I.2); General estoria VI (Toledo Catedral 43-20); Judizios de las estrellas (BNM 3065); Lapidario de Alfonso X (Esc. h.I.15); Libro de las leyes (BL Add. 20787); Moamyn - Libro de las animalias (BNM Res 270); Picatrix de Alfonso X (Vatican Reg. lat. 1283); Libro del cuadrante señero (Paris Arsenal 8322); Libro de las formas y de las imágenes (Esc. h.I.16); Tablas de Zarquiel (Paris Arsenal 8322).
MacDonald, Robert A., ed. “Espéculo.” Texto jurídico atribuido al Rey de Castilla Don Alfonso X, el Sabio. Edición, introducción y aparato crítico.... Madison: HSMS, 1990.

“Vocabulario del manuscrito M”, pp. 339-434. Old Spanish word, Spanish gloss, text location. Edition contains attached two concordance fiches with all words alphabetically listed with frequencies and text locations.
MacDonald, Robert A., ed. Leyes de los Adelantados Mayores. Regulations, Attributed to Alfonso X of Castile, Concerning the King’s Vicar in the Judiciary and in Territorial Administration. New York: HSMS, 2000.

“Vocabulary”, pp. 119-141. List A, (pp. 119-141), contains the vocabulary of edited manuscript A (=Escorial MS Z.II.8) except for the toponymic and onomastic references placed in List B (p. 141). Old Spanish form, etymology, Spanish gloss, selected text locations, selected examples in brief context.
MacDonald, Robert A., ed. “Libro de las tahurerías”. A Special Code of Law, Concerning Gambling, Drawn up by Maestre Roldán at the Command of Alfonso X of Castile. Madison: HSMS, 1995.

“Vocabulary”, pp. 351-93. List A, Castilian (pp.352-84), contains the vocabulary of edited MS C (=Escorial MS Z.I.9). Old Spanish form, Spanish gloss, etymology, selected text locations, selected examples in brief context. List B, Hebrew (p. 384) records Hebrew words from text. List C, Variants (pp. 384-93), records phonological and orthographical variants found in manuscripts from the early group other than C.
MacDonald, Robert A., ed. Texts and Concordance of the “Espéculo”, Biblioteca Nacional MS. 10123. Madison: HSMS, 1996.

Two concordance fiches. Separate alphabetical listing of all words with text locations and frequencies for each manuscript edited.
MacDonald, Robert A., ed. Text and Concordance of the “Libro de las tafurerías”. Escorial MS Z.I.9. Madison: HSMS, 1994.

One concordance fiche. Alphabetical listing of all words with text locations and frequencies.
MacDonald, Robert A., ed. Texts and Concordances of the “Libro de las tahurerías”(1276) Contained in Fifteen Medieval Manuscripts and Two Medieval Fragments. Madison: HSMS, 1996.

Three concordance fiches. Separate alphabetical listing of all words with text locations and frequencies for each manuscript edited.
McDowell, David Franklin. “The Nature of Old Spanish Vocabulary as Determined by an Etymological and Semantic Analysis of the Verbs in the Primera Parte of the General Estoria of Alfonso el sabio.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of North Carolina, 1941.

Martínez Díaz, Sister Mary Aquilina. “Palabras definidas en la segunda parte de la General estoria de Alfonso el sabio.” M.A. thesis, Univ. of Texas, 1968. 219 pp.

Definitions verbatim as they appear in the Alfonsine text. No other information.
Martínez Diez, Gonzalo, ed. Leyes de Alfonso X: I, Espéculo. Edición y análisis crítico. Ávila: Fundación Sánchez Albornoz, 1985.

“Vocabulario del Espéculo hoy en desuso”, pp. 54-56. Seleted Old Spanish words with Spanish gloss.
Martínez Diez, Gonzalo, ed. Leyes de Alfonso X: II, Fuero real. Edición y análisis crítico. Ávila: Fundación Sánchez Albornoz, 1988.

“Arcaísmos”, pp. 127-28. Selected Old Spanish words with Spanish equivalents.
Morreale, Margherita. “Acerca de sapiencia, sabencia, sabid(u)ría y saber en la IVª parte de la General Estoria.” CLHM 6 (1981): 111-22.

Discusses semantic range of above terms (cf. RFE 60 (1978-79): 1-22).
Mundi Peret, Francisco, and Anabel Sáiz Ripoll. Las prosificaciones de las Cantigas de Alfonso X el Sabio. Barcelona: PPU, 1987.

At pp. 217-18, selected list of Old Spanish words with Spanish gloss and text location (by cantiga).
Munro, Edwin Clair. “An Etymological Vocabulary of Military Terms in the Works of Alfonso X.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1949. 286 pp.

Etyma, English glosses, and quotations from Alfonsine texts.
Newcomer, Charles Andrew. “Animal Names in the Works of Alfonso el sabio: An Etymological Study.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1937. 254 pp.

Etymology, English gloss, and text quotations.
Nunemaker, J. Horace. “The Chaldean Stones in the Lapidary of Alfonso X.” PMLA 45 (1930): 444-53.

A list of forty-five “Chaldean stones with the Spanish definitions of their names which stand in the manuscript” [i.e., H.I.15 of the Escorial Library.]
Palacios Alcaine, Azucena. Alfonso X el Sabio, “Fuero real”. Barcelona: PPU, 1991.

“Glosario”, pp. 165-71. Old Spanish word, Spanish gloss.
Pérez Mozún, Domingo. Diccionario alfabético, y ortográfico de las voces, que en sus siete célebres Partidas usó el rey don Alfonso el Sabio, y al presente (año 1789) ignoran los que se gradúan doctos en este siglo ilustrado. Madrid: A. Espinosa, 1790. 168 pp.

See Craddock, C533 [Jerry L. Craddock, The Legislative Works of Alfonso X, el Sabio. (Research Bibliographies and Checklists, 45.) London: Grant & Cutler, 1986]; reference to forty-four page version.
Pérez Mozún, Domingo. Suplemento al diccionario alfabético, y de las voces antiguas de las siete partidas del rey don Alfonso el Sabio. Madrid: A. Espinosa, 1791. 44 pp.

See Niederehe, Hans-Joseph, Bibliografía cronológica de la lingüística, la gramática y la lexicografía del español (BICRES III), desde el año 1701 hasta el año 1800. Amsterdam: J. Benjamins Publishing Co., 2005.
Perry, Robert Charles. “El primer diccionario de la edad media: Palabras definidas en el Setenario de Alfonso X, el sabio.” M.A. thesis, Univ. of Texas, 1967. 85 pp.

Definitions verbatim from Alfonsine text; word index, pp. 75-80.
Revilla, Mana G. “Estudio semántico de los neologismos introducidos en la lengua castellana por el rey Alfonso X en la cuarta y quinta partidas de su libro Las siete partidas.” M.A. thesis. Florida Atlantic Univ., 1970. 97 pp.

Fifty-four words as defined in the Alfonsine text together with comments, etymology, and references to and discussions of the word as it appears in PMC, Berceo, Libro de Apolonio, Fuero juzgo, LBA, El Conde Lucanor, Nebrija, Diccionario de autoridades, and DRAE (1956). A sequel to Simón (“Definición de vocablos en Las partidas de Alfonso X el sabio.” Ph.D. diss., Emory Univ., 1969.)
Rodríguez M. Montalvo, Sagrario, ed. Lapidario (según el manuscrito escurialense H.I.15). Introducción, edición, notas y vocabulario. Madrid: Gredos, 1981. Vocabulario was editor’s Tesis doctoral, Univ. Complutense de Madrid, 1972. RUM no. 88, pt. 2 (1973): 99. [Femando Gómez Redondo, RFE 62 (1982): 120-23, esp. p. 123; Anthony J. Cárdenas, JHP 6 (1982): 157-59; Albert Gier, ZRP 100 (1984): 216-19.]

“Vocabulario”, pp. 229-325. Old Spanish form as it appears in the Lapidario, Spanish definition, brief citation in context, references to other texts, etymology; occasionally includes bibliographic references.
Roudil, Jean. “Glossaire de la Primera crónica general de España.” Diplôme des Études Supérieures, Univ. of Paris, 1956.
Roudil, Jean. “Index alphabétique des formes de la Primera Crónica General.” CLHM 4 bis (1979): 205-365 (=entire issue).

Based on the Menéndez Pidal edition (Madrid: Bailly-Baillière, 1906). An alphabetical listing with frequencies, pp. 209-359.
Rubio Flores, Antonio. “La Partida Segunda de Alfonso X el sabio. Edición, estudio del léxico institucional y concordancias. MS. 12794 de la Biblioteca Nacional.” Tesis doctoral, Univ. of Granada, 1992.

The dissertation is divided in three parts. I: Critical edition of the manuscript; II: Study of the “léxico institucional”; III: concordances. Information from Base de datos de TESEO.
Rubio Moreno, Laura María. Leyes de Alfonso X, III: Contribución al estudio de las definiciones léxicas de “Las Partidas” de Alfonso X el Sabio. Ávila: Fundación Sánchez Albornoz, 1991.

“Equivalencia léxica actual de los términos definidos en Las Partidas”, pp. 15-45. Spanish commentary on selected terms.
Sachs, Georg. “Terminología de juegos.” RFE 23 (1936): 183-88.

Explains meanings of mannar, buffa, baldrac, marlota, soçobra, doble, all found in the Libro de axedrez, dados e tablas.
Sánchez, María Nieves. Diccionario español de documentos alfonsíes. Madrid: Arco/Libros, 2000. [Germán Colón, RLiR 65 (2001): 259-261; Serafina García, Aljamía 15 (2003): 508-519.]

All words (“con la excepción de los verbos haber, ser y estar; artículos, demostrativos, posesivos y preposiciones que sólo aparecen en las formas actuales”) found in a corpus of six hundred sixty original documents produced by the royal chancery (1242-1284). Each entry gives modern Spanish definition, examples with text locations, many in brief context, orthographic variants.
Sánchez, María Nieves. “El léxico de los documentos alfonsíes.” Estudis romànics 27 (2005): 41-72.

Studies in detail the meaning of selected words from María Teresa Herrera Textos y concordancias electrónicos de documentos castellanos de Alfonso X. For each word, the meaning, additional examples, commentary with reference to other medieval sources and modern reference works are provided.
Sánchez, María Nieves. “Léxico de los documentos alfonsíes dirigidos a Alava, Navarra y Guipúzcoa.” Príncipe de Viana 64.229 (2003): 455-469.

Reviews the meaning of pieza, rueda, facero, abarquero, arenzádigo, bustaliza, bustarega, and masuca de hierro, “palabras contenidas en documentos de Alfonso X que guardan relación con Álava, Navarra y Guipúzcoa.” Words come from María Teresa Herrera Textos y concordancias electrónicos de documentos castellanos de Alfonso X. For each word, the meaning, additional examples, commentary with reference to other medieval sources and modern reference works are provided.
Sánchez, María Nieves. “El léxico en el romance de la Cancillería de Alfonso X”. In El primitivo romance hispánico. Ed. Beatriz Díez Calleja. Burgos: Fundación Instituto Castellano y Leonés de la Lengua, 2008. Pp. 325-339.

Brief lexical and etimological study of some twenty dozen terms found in documents produced by Alfonso X's royal chancery.
Simón, José Gregorio. “Definición de vocablos en Las partidas de Alfonso X el sabio.” Ph.D. diss., Emory Univ., 1969. 247 pp. DA 31 (1970): 1240-A.

Detailed linguistic, cultural, and historical discussion of some two dozen key words from the Cuarta partida.
Simón, José Gregorio. “Desarrollo semántico de las palabras definidas por el rey Alfonso en la primera, segunda y tercera Partidas de su obra Las siete partidas.” M.A. thesis, Univ. of Miami, Florida, 1966. 211 pp.

Definitions of seventy-two words as they appear in the Alfonsine text. Provides discussion, etymology and narrative history of the word following its usage in PMC, Berceo, Libro de Apolonio, Fuero Juzgo, LBA, El Conde Lucanor, Nebrija, Covarrubias, Diccionario de autoridades, and DRAE. “Indice alfabético”, pp. 209-11. Continued by Revilla (“Estudio semántico de los neologismos introducidos en la lengua castellana por el rey Alfonso X en la cuarta y quinta partidas de su libro Las siete partidas.” M.A. thesis. Florida Atlantic Univ., 1970).
Solalinde, Antonio G., ed. Alfonso el sabio [anthology]. Prólogo, selección y glosario. Madrid: Jiménez-Fraud, 1922. Reprinted by Espasa-Calpe (Colección Austral, 169), various dates.

“Vocabulario”, vol. 2, pp. 207-33. Brief Spanish equivalents.
Steiger, Arnaid, ed. Libro de acedrex, dados e tablas. Das Schachzabelbuch König Alfons des Weisen ... mit Glossar und grammatischem Abriss. (Románica Helvética, 10). Zürich: Rentsch Verlag, 1941. [C.E. Dubler, Al-Andalus 7 (1942): 239-40, see esp. p. 240.]

“Glossary”, pp. 388-407. Includes (1) technical terms, (2) common words with special meanings, and (3) uncommon or rare lexical items. German glosses, often an indication of Arabic etyma, and sporadic references to other texts.
Tejedo Herrero, Fernando. “Variación e innovación léxica: Las Siete Partidas (1491).” PhD. diss. Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison, 1997. DAI 66, no. 05A, (2005): 1745.

“Diccionario”, pp. 238-1759. Each entry includes the headword with definition in modern Spanish and a word-in-context citation given for each individual definition. The dictionary is fully cross-referenced, with attested forms ordered alphabetically at the end of each entry.
Telara, M. Giovanna. “Glossario della Quarta Partida di Alfonso X el sabio.” Diss., Univ. of Pisa, 1967-68.

Word, text locations (based on the Real Academia de la Historia 1807 edition), Italian glosses only if the word has more than one meaning, and reference to relevant DCELC entry.
Van Scoy, Herbert Alien. “Spanish Words Defined in the Works of Alfonso X.” Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Wisconsin, 1939. 173 pp.

Etymology, English equivalent, and passages in which the word is defined.
Van Scoy, Herbert Alien. A Dictionary of Old Spanish Terms Defined in the Works of Alfonso X. Ed. Ivy A. Corfis. Madison: HSMS, 1986. [Pedro Sánchez-Prieto Borja, RFE 67 (1987): 353-56; Fernando Gómez Redondo, Revista de literatura medieval 1 (1989): 165-68; David A. Pharies, RPh 44(1991): 332-36.]

Reprint of his doctoral dissertation. Etymology, English equivalent, and passages in which the word is defined.
Villar Rubio, Milagros, ed. General estoria (antología). Barcelona: Plaza y Janés, 1984.

“Glosario”, pp. 271-84. Old Spanish word, Spanish gloss.
Last update: 3/15/2014